Applicant must be the son or
daughter, or grandchild, of an active member of the PPWU through local
affiliation or a Member at Large (M.A.L.).
The applicant's parent must be a
member in good standing of the PPWU for at least one year
immediately preceding the closing date of application.
The John T. Boxler Scholarship deadline will be extedned
to September 30, 2024, for this year only. Applicants must
be a senior or have graduated in 2024.
Applicant must be a senior attending
high school or other corresponding secondary school.
Scholarship recipient must attend an
accredited college of his/her choice. The scholarship must be
used towards pursuing an undergraduate degree.
Application must be made on an
official application form or on a photocopy duplicate.
Applicants must take the Scholastic
Aptitude Test or the American College Test. The S.A.T. or A.C.T.
scores must be submitted along with secondary school records and
personal qualifications when application is made.
Applicants must write an essay of no
more than 300 words on a "labor union related subject". The
essay must accompany the application.
Each PPWU scholarship will be
$1,000.00 for each of four consecutive years of college
providing a satisfactory academic record is maintained.
The amount of the scholarship will be deposited with the college
or university attended by the recipient, or may be sent to the winner upon his
/ her request. When the recipient notifies the PPWU that he/she has
registered with the school, the award will be sent to the
business office to be applied to the cost of tuition, room and
board, school supplies or school related costs.
Scholarship winners must contact the
PPWU Director of Human Relations each year to advise on his/her
status in school.
The scholarship committee will
provide one (1) winner each year. Two (2) alternates will be
selected in the event of disqualification or rejection of the
award by the winner.
If the winner fails to attend
college in the award year, the award will go to the alternate.
The Scholarship Selection Committee
will consist of qualified persons in the education field. No
one connected with the PPWU will be on the committee. The
decision of the committee will be final. The committee will be
selected by the Dir. of Human Relations and approved by the
President. The Committee should have experience
and appreciation for the labor movement.
The PPWU may discontinue awarding
new scholarships if funds are not available.
The winner of this scholarship will
be judged on the basis of scholastic records, personal
qualifications and the results of their S.A.T. or A.C.T. scores
and will be balanced with the essay.
Applications must be sent to:
Director of Human Relations, Scholarship Program, PO Box 4051,
Lancaster, PA, 17604.
All applications, essays and other
materials received will become the property of the PPWU and
shall not be returned.
The applicant's parent must maintain
their good standing in the PPWU for each year the scholarship
winner receives the award. Failure to do so will result in the
forfeiture of the award.
All disputes or inquiries regarding
the Scholarship Award will be resolved by the Director of Human
Relations, PPWU. All decisions are final.