Pennsylvania Postal Workers Union
P.O. Box 60335
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17106

Kim Miller ~ President
Kevin Gallagher ~ Vice President


Wendesday, August 07. 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join the meeting from your computer,
tablet or smartphone:

Download the GoToMeeting app at:
You can also dial in using your phone
United States:  +1 (872) 240-3311 | One-Touch: 1-872-240-311, 614452437#
Meeting Access Code:  614-452-437
This meeting is for PPWU members only. 
Have questions you'd like to ask at the meeting?  Submit them ahead of time!
Send questions to

NEW FORMS PAGE ADDED! - Check it out in the menu (above)

PPWU Scholarship Extended!

    PPWU Human Relations Director Donna Welch has reported that no applications have been received for the 2024 John T Boxler Scholarship.  After discussions with PPWU President Kim Miller, the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Postal Workers Union has voted to extend the deadline to apply for the John T. Boxler scholarship.  The new deadline is September 30, 2024

You can read the rules, and download an application HERE.

    The Extended deadline to submit an application for the scholarship is September 30, 2024



This meeting is exclusively for members of the PPWU.  Non-members, carriers, RCAs, supervisors, POOMs and Postmasters are not invited.  You will play a big part in keeping this meeting "members only."  As a Union member, YOU have the right to particpate and have your voice heard.  We must ensure a safe enviornment where members feel comfortable and can speak freely.  

     Look for log-in details in the Summer 2024 Newsletter arriving in your mailbox in July!!!

    We hope to see you at the August 7th virutal meeting!


A/L Carryover & Exchange Limits Raised

 As they have done for the past few years, the USPS and APWU have agreed to increase the contractual limits for Annual Leave Carryover and Annual Leave Exchange Program.  These limits will apply to

  •  Annual Leave Carryover:  APWU career employees may carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2024 to leave year 2025.

  • Annual Leave Exchange:  APWU career employees will be allowed to sell a maximum of eighty (80) hours of annual leave prior to the beginning of leave year 2025 provided the following two (2) criteria are met:

    • The employee must be at the maximum leave carryover ceiling at the start of the leave
      year, and

    • The employee must have used fewer than 75 sick leave hours in leave year 2024.

  These MOU will expire with the conclusion of the 2025 Leave Year.

Read the Agreements


  2024 Constitution & Bylaws Posted  (click here to read)

DeJoy pushes onward with "some" Network Plan Changeses

    In a new letter to Senators, PMG Louis DeJoy has indicated that, despite the pause in implementation of operational changes, he plans to move forward with several Regional Distribution Center (RDC) and Sortation & Distribution Center (SDC) projects.  The SDCs, scheduled for September 2024 implementation.  These planned SDC changes include the Wilkes-Barre, PA SDC and the York, PA SDC.

     Additionally, DeJoy made it clear, to the Senators, that he is going to continue pushing forward with planned changed to transportation.

     In, what can only be described as a, "nyah nyah!" (sitcking his tounge out) at Congress move Dejoy now claims that any "pause" in Network Plan changes was his choice and was already part ofof his plan and has nothing to do with Congressional objections.  In this most recent letter, DeJoy claims that waiting until January 01, 2025 to implement these changes was part of his original plan and that it fits in with his already determined schedule.   Instead of being a flex, it comes off more as a Pee Wee Herman "I meant to do that!" moment.

Read Dejoy's Letter to Senators (05/20/24) List of Completed / Ongoing MPFRs

USPS Pauses Network Plan Consolidationsns

    Postmaster General Dejoy has announced that the USPS is pausing some planned mail consolidations that are part of his 10-year Network Modernization plan.  This action comes in response to a letter signed by 26 Senators expressing concern that the Network Plan is deterioirating service to the American People.   Additionally, DeJoy also indicated that he would not move forward with any consolidation plants with first informing Congress.

     APWU Preisdent Mark Dimindstein commended the "union ranks, our community allies and many friends in Congress who have made and will continue to make their voices heard loud and clear."

        The APWU has requested a full, and accurate, list of consolidations that will be put on hold, as well as any potential impact on excessing of employees from one facility to another.r.

Read the Senators letter to DeJoy Read Dejoy's Response

Election of Officers for 2024 - 2026 Termrm

      Nominations for officer positions within the PPWU were held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 during the PPWU Convention.  Each office saw only one nominee with the exception of Motor Vehicle Craft Direct which had two nominees.  The unopposed nominees were elected by acclimation.   Voting for the Motor Vehicle Director was held on Sunday, May 5th with all MVS delegates present at the convention casting a vote.  The duly elected officers for the PPWU are:


President Kim Miller   Motor Vehicle Craft Director Gerald Hill
Vice President Keving Gallagher   Maintenance Craft Director David Smith
Secretary-Treasurer Jim Snyder   Clerk Craft Director Charlie Kukulski
Human Relations Director Donna Welch   Support Services Director George Jendry
Publicity & Legislative Director Andy Kubat      
Southeast Business Agent Michael K Crum   173 - 176, 179, 189 - 196 Zip Offices
Northeast Business Agent Chad Beer 180 - 188 Zip Offices
Central Business Agent Timothy Thompson   166, 168 - 172, 177 - 178 Zip Offices
Southwest Business Agent Tom Molanik   150 - 157, 159 Zip Offices  
Northwest Business Agent Joe Pcola   158, 160 - 165, 167 Zip Offices


PPWU Scholarship Rules Updateded

    The Pennsylvania Postal Workers Union has revised the rules for applicants seeking the John T. Boxler scholarship.  You can read the rules, and download an application HERE.

    The Deadline to submit an application for the scholarship is May 1st t 


PPWU Virutal
Information Meeting

August 07, 2024

FMLA - Employee
FMLA - Family Member

2021-2024 SMALL

Natasha Ditzian
PSE - Dilliner
Tamara Johnson
Career - Sheffield
Shaun Sayer
PSE - Hawley
Erica Schaffer
PSE - Clarks Summit
Mark Wasilewski
Career - Pine Grove Mills

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